New Student Referral Incentive Program
The New Student Referral Incentive Program rewards a referring LCCA family with a tuition credit for each new paying student that is referred to, enrolls in, and attends LCCA full-time. The referring family will receive a 10% discount on their tuition for one year, and the new student will receive a 5% discount on their tuition for one year. (10% discount is approx. $312 if the referred family enrolls one child; $551 if the referred family enrolls two children; $747 if the referred family enrolls three or more children.)
The referral program is for parents or guardians who are paying tuition for enrolled students (K5 through grade 12).
Half of the amount of the incentive reward is applied in October and the other half is applied in March. Referred students must be enrolled at the beginning of a semester for the referring family to receive their first distribution. (If a referred student begins mid-semester, the referral reward distribution will begin during the second semester of enrollment.)
Families that refer a student and pay monthly payments will receive a credit to their account.
Families that refer a student and pay their tuition in full before the school year begins will receive an incentive reward check.
A signed New Student Referral Incentive Program form must be on file two weeks prior to the reward distribution (October and March), and the referring family’s name must be indicated in the Referral Verification Box on the new student’s Enrollment Application.
Submission deadlines: September 15 for the October reward; February 15 for the March reward.
Turning in a completed Referral Incentive Program form after the deadline will reduce the reward by half (family will receive second distribution only).
Failure to turn in a completed Referral Incentive Program form will make the referring family ineligible for the reward.
Incentive reward consideration is limited to the referral of brand-new families enrolling full-time students in LCCA and does not apply to students returning to LCCA or families that have previously had students at LCCA. Newark Baptist Temple families are not considered “new” for the purpose of the incentive program.